+1 eric squire
+1 nonoise
I do enjoy getting useful information here, lots of knowledge being shared. Many of you are very sincere. There are a few that have rude replies and you just have to ignore it, I am sure if they meet you in different environment they probably would not act in this manner. Unfortunately people act out when hiding behind a screen. Anyone can act rude, I just don't see the point of it when your on a website where people are just looking for help. Not to throw compliments but I will, Eric squire has always been sincere when answering any questions I have needed help with. And of there are others. I do appreciate this source of information.
+1 nonoise
I do enjoy getting useful information here, lots of knowledge being shared. Many of you are very sincere. There are a few that have rude replies and you just have to ignore it, I am sure if they meet you in different environment they probably would not act in this manner. Unfortunately people act out when hiding behind a screen. Anyone can act rude, I just don't see the point of it when your on a website where people are just looking for help. Not to throw compliments but I will, Eric squire has always been sincere when answering any questions I have needed help with. And of there are others. I do appreciate this source of information.