did any of you listen to either of PS Audios new speakers at the show? What’d you think? 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmikempls

I liked them. I would need to hear them in a quiet room to make any grand statement about them.

I heard them both at AXPONA. Stopped by all three days. As should be no surprise they both sounded their best on Sunday. Since PS Audio had a fixed playlist for most of the time each day, I got to hear a number of the same tunes on both speakers. I thought they both sounded quite good by Sunday (with the usual ‘under show conditions’ caveat), although I preferred the FR-20. To me it sounded a bit more linear. Could have been that the ‘30 was just too much for the way the whole thing was set up.

I purchased the FR-20s and upgraded my electronics.  New PS Audio DAC, airLens, and for the first time, a preamp. This is my final destination system. Amazing, emotionally involving system.  Tight bass, extraordinary midrange and top end, and great soundstage.

Show conditions for manufactures are very difficult. It is a great start, but the improvement of a system you heard at AXPONA when properly set up in your home is very different. 

Listened to the PS Audio system at AXPONA pre covid as well as the 2023 show. 

The first thing that came to mind was "These sound like a big bold Wurlitzer juke box" heard many times in the days in my younger days.  

Big, bold bassy, forgiving midrange and muted highs.  A fun pleasing sound but devoid of the detail many audiophiles prefer.