Ayon CD2S vs ModWright XA-5400ES Ultimate Truth

Last year I bought a new Sony XA-5400ES and sent it off for the full Modwright Truth mods. I've been generally happy with it and think it does many, many things well, but I keep reading the Ayon CDP raves and am wondering if anyone has ever compared these two head-to-head. I listen to a big range of music, but am all tube and very much a lover of great midrange. I'm running a pair of the late Paul G's TAD 1000 monoblocks and a Mystere CA preamp. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/insights.
Thanks for the thread link, Doug99. I'll take a look.

And didn't know of the EMM, Rgs92. I'll have to take a look.
Is the preamp tube as well?

If it's solid state, the Ayon might be a good fit.

I think the XDS1 DAC is more resolving. But the Ayon tube lushness is something to behold.

Another option to look at is the Playback MPS-5. It's very similar to the XDS1 but with the mid bass a bit more pronounced.
Yes, I have a Mystere CA11 preamp - just picked it up and still breaking in, but very happy with it so far.
Scot - Let me know if you want to sell your ModWright XA-5400ES w/Ultimate Truth mods.
I previously owned the CD2 and now have had my MW 5400 for two years; I'm enjoying music now...