B & W 603 S3 $1,000 vs. Spendor 5Se $2,000

both are 2 1/2 way speakers and both have fine reviews. I have the B & W now but want to try something new. Budget only allows spending $2k on new or used speakers. Is the change worth the effort and extra money? I have a new Apollo CD (nice) and plan on acquiring a used Krell 400xi. I want to try a speaker with a fabric dome tweater as opposed to metal. I have not heard the Spendor line but like what I read about the products and the price of the 5Se. I had Magnepans, but can't go this route because of wife. Room is 14' x 20' and opens into other rooms.
Buy used. For $2000, you can easily get a speaker that sells new for $3000-3500. The best of that breed from Proac, Dynaudio, Salk, Tyler, etc., will probably knoock the socks off of your 603's. :)

Another advantage of buying used is that if you change your mind, you can resell them for no loss. However, the trick with used speakers is finding them, so you may have to be patient.

Don't get rid of the 603's until you have found just the right replacement.

Good luck. Let's know how it goes.
For $2,000 you'll be hard-pressed to find a better speaker than the Gallo Reference 3.1 - the glowing reviews are well-deserved. Find a way to audition them, your search will be done!

Thank you for the replies. This afternoon I sold a pair of SMGa speakers to a person from this area (pick up). I am sorry to see them go but they went to a good home. I will keep you posted on the quest for the next pair of speakers.
Try the new B&W 600 line (series 4) just came out a couple days ago. I havnt head them yet but they are supposed to be much better.