B&W 800 D4's, Room size, & general Q's

Hey all,

Not sure if this was the appropriate sub-forum, I'm pretty new to all this stuff, and would appreciate any insight you can offer. I am building a new home (almost complete), and leaning towards adding a pair of B&W 800 series D4 to my office. The room is approximately 18'x17'x10'H. Not sure if this makes a difference, but my builder has sound proofed the right side wall where I plan to place the towers in front of (see picture link), as well as the ceiling. I'm not sure what he used to sound proof, but it's behind the dry wall & some wood paneling. In the pic, the "furniture" isn't to scale or anything, just a rough estimate. Link to room pic: https://imgur.com/a/MgpHATC

My questions:
  1. For this room size, would the B&W 802 D4 be the correct choice in the 800 series lineup? Or should I go bigger (801 D4) or smaller (803 D4)?
  2. Does it matter that my towers will be off center within the room itself?
  3. Would it be a waste to spend this much on a sound system when I did not specifically design the room to be used as a hifi listening room?
  4. What electronics would you recommend to pair with the B&W's? I was leaning towards all McIntosh.

My max budget is around $100,000 all in for this sound system. B&W 802 D4's + McIntosh would get me to around $50k, and I'd be content spending only that amount. That being said, I'm open to suggestions other than B&W and/or McIntosh electronics (i.e. if there are electronics that pair better with B&W). Thanks in advance!

Ag insider logo xs@2xbattbot
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If you’re not set on B&W, I would strongly consider other brands. They definitely have a "house sound" that some like, but it measures and sounds bright to a lot of people, including me. I would consider, at your budget, some other speakers/brands. Here are my picks, in no particular order:

1) KEF Blade/Blade II (KEF Reference is also excellent)
2) Vivid Giya series
3) Sonus Faber Il Cremonese
4) YG Acoustics
5) Vimberg Mino/Tonda
6) TAD

All these speakers should provide full range sound, be fairly neutral throughout the audioband (look at Stereophile’s measurements of the Blade, Vivid, or Vimberg for example -- they measure extremely flat), and have smooth and even lateral and vertical directivity responses.


I own a pair of 802 D3's in a room similar in size, except I have 17' ceilings. I love the speakers! If I had the budget, I would have purchased the 801's. As far as power goes, you need an amp that can deliver tremendous current to make them sing. Don't get caught up in the high wattage BS. It's all about current delivery. I am powering mine with a CODA 16. This amp has enough current in reserve to power a small city. There is much better out there than Mac. 

Lastly, your ears are the only judge, not our opinions. Enjoy the journey. You must listen to combinations and see what excites you. Choose wisely since the amp/speakers will be the combo you will hold onto the longest. The accessory components will be ones you upgrade on a more frequent basis.

Good luck!
I believe the bigger issue is the room is close to a square (17x18). Can you increase the 18 dimension or is it too late?
Hey @battbot: where in Virginia are you? If in Northern Virginia, plenty of dealers to audition speakers. As you should for that kind of money.

For some reason, some people don’t like B&W speakers. I’d say, if you like the sound, go for them. The series 800, 803 and higher up in line are outstanding, and compete very well with much more expensive brands out there. That is if you like their sound signature. All speakers typically have their own sound signature.

I am in Northern Virginia. PM me if you like to talk. I have the 803 D3 driven by T+A PA 3100 HV integrated amp.

P.S. B&W 800s Diamonds sounding bright is totally BS. Certainly not bright if you drive them with proper amplification