B&W 803D or Dynaudio C2's

I am asked by a friend to mine this question from the generous folks of the group.
I've given him the "go listen" and am asking for the model of his surround receiver to add to the post. But in general, can anyone give their impressions of these two?
Also, if there is a relative vg cond used market here, what other speakers would exceed the performance of these two in that price range.
Primarily, as I do not know that he will buy or have shipped anything used, comments of comparison on these two would be greatly appreciated.
I recently heard the 804S vs. the contour 5.4. B&W clearly was the better speaker---the first B&W i've liked.

That said, the confidence series is another animal which i'd like ot audition (and i was hoping they had C1s there).

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wondering as I've been looking on A-Gon, how do the M series DynAudio's compare? They were $16k available for $8K.
Also the PSB Platinum T8 is on his short list.
he's not heard them yet, but I am wondering if having two tweeters wouldn't smear the the instrument imaging.
Anyone heard these?
Thanks for the information so far.
The M series are more of a pro audio monitor. I actually use quite a bit of their pro line in my studio. (Air 20's, BM15A's) I love them, but they are not in the audiophile communities eyes a "listening" speaker. I work on them because they are acurate and can tell me the mistakes that I make in my mixes, and are also fun to listen to music, but I dont think I would throw them in my home theater or two channel system. The ones in the classified are far field monitors and are fantastic.