B&W D3s have landed

Just got the call this morning. My dealer's demo 802, 803 and 804 demos have arrived. Can't wait to see and hear them.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
They sound incredible. Very realistic sounding notes. I'm going to play with them some more tomorrow to see how toe-in affects the sound stage, but as it stands, the notes from high to low frequency sound extremely realistic with proper attack and decay. As a musician, it blew my mind...
Once I can find a dealer willing to sell me a pair of the 803 D3s at a discounted price, I'm ready to buy a pair.

as you audition this newest set of B&W speakers, please post your thoughts & impressions. Include all associated gear in your reviews, especially, cables/power cords.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!