B&W Rip-Off

Here is a good one, What a cheep ripoff of some B&W speakers.

er·satz ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rzäts, r-zäts)
Being an imitation or a substitute, usually an inferior one; artificial: ersatz coffee made mostly of chicory. See Synonyms at artificial.

The name of the speakers was a clue to the dictionary users among us.
>Cool down - the ad is really to funny!<

What is "to" (sic) funny about the ad? I don't see it.

Isn't TAD, "Technical Audio Devices," maker of the highly rated TAD Model 1? http://tadhomeaudio.com/home.html

The advertised speakers do look remarkably like another "well-known" speaker, right down to the dimples in the port. Has anyone heard them?