It appears that your price point is $8k-$9k. How big is your room? Can your speakers be out away from the walls? How far is your seated position from the speakers?
I had the B&W Silver Signatures for years and years and really, really liked them. Thinking about trading them in, I listened to the 802D at length. I wouldn't even consider buying them. Now, that's just my personal opinion and taste.
A pair of Magnepan 1.7's are $2K, two Martin Logan Depth i subs are $2k each. But they might not match your B&W center and surrounds. They also need space from the wall to breathe.
Thiel 2.4's are around $3.5k. You need to be sitting back around 10' for them to gel timewise.
You also need a good, strong and powerful amp with high current to push either of them properly.
There's isn't a Meadowlard Osprey or Nighthawk on Audiogon right now, those would also do you well.
I had the B&W Silver Signatures for years and years and really, really liked them. Thinking about trading them in, I listened to the 802D at length. I wouldn't even consider buying them. Now, that's just my personal opinion and taste.
A pair of Magnepan 1.7's are $2K, two Martin Logan Depth i subs are $2k each. But they might not match your B&W center and surrounds. They also need space from the wall to breathe.
Thiel 2.4's are around $3.5k. You need to be sitting back around 10' for them to gel timewise.
You also need a good, strong and powerful amp with high current to push either of them properly.
There's isn't a Meadowlard Osprey or Nighthawk on Audiogon right now, those would also do you well.