Back to tubes?

Seriously thinking of replacing my SS pre with a tubed linestage. Contenders include ARC Ref 5 and VTL 7.5. Certainly open to suggestions as well.

Plan to keep the Boulder 1060 for now.

Could pull the trigger on a Boulder 2010 but I am well aware that the cost of a component is often not commensurate with its performance.
Cerrot, I am considering that option also. There is certainly no preamp like no preamp.

Jaybo, I love the 1012 but no longer need the inboard phonostage or DAC. I might just succumb and get a 2010 but peerless though it may be, it certainly exemplifies the law of diminishing returns.

Sounds like Shindo should be on the short list for auditions,
Have anybody compared Manley Stealhead/Shindo Aurieges-L combo vs. Masseto, Monbrison and up the line Shindo preamps?