Purchased 15 cable elevators from Red Dragon Audio for $149.00 (well attempted to purchase anyway). Paid for the product, got a email confirmation of the order, choose the shipping method which the price was waived as a promotion. two weeks now and no elevators or further corraspondence from Red Dragon Audio. I have emailed them 3 times to try and determine the status, no return emails, and there is no phone number listed for them on
www.reddragonaudio.com. Needless to say I am very dissapointed because it appears that they have a decent reputation in the audio community. I finally called American Express to dispute the charge and they did provide me with a phone number however when you call it rings like its an overseas call and finally simply disconnects the call. So I just disputed the charge with Amex and they will investigate from there. So just a word to the wise. When buying audio gear on line if there is no phone number that you can call and actually speak with a human about the product your paying for beware. Luckily I used Amex for the charge because they are VERY good at disputes and make the money on your card available to you at that time instead of having to wait for some long investigation to play out. curious if anyone else has had a bad experience with this company.