@dbphd I would highly recommend you purchase quality aftermarket cables instead of building your own. There should be a number to choose from, like Arctic Cables, Norne Audio, Moon Audio and others. The headphone side connectors are a royal pain to assemble since there are multiple pins and they are small and very close together.
Balanced wiring for Sennhesier 800 S
I expect to use Sennheiser 800S with my Ayre QX-5 Twenty, a Roon-ready DAC. As usual with Ayre, they recommend balanced cabling. Is that easy to do with the Sennheisers? I haven't used headphones in years, but I was impressed when I heard the Sennheisers with a McIntosh headphone amp. Any recommendations?
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- 13 posts total
I and several others here have bought LavriCables headphone cables and have been very impressed with their performance, build quality, and value. Here are the cables they make for your ‘phones… https://www.lavricables.com/cables/master-silver-sennheiser-hd800-upgrade-cable/ https://www.lavricables.com/cables/grand-silver-sennheiser-hd800-hd800s-hd820-upgrade-cable/ Best of luck. |
- 13 posts total