Pink Floyd: This was not so much a replacement but a missing member when Rodger decided to move on.
The real missing member is Syd Barret (he smoked his brain on LSD).
Band Member Changes Over Time
Was reading a few articles over the last few days about bands with key band member changes. This got me to thinking about how I felt about some bands I like and follow and if it changes my perception of the band. Some random examples...
In my case, the discovery of these bands was right at the end of middle school or the beginning of high school. MTV also played a big factor. I can see the Abacab video like it was yesterday or the Styx "Caught in the Act Concert" played on a Saturday night which I loved. Around 12 years later I had an opportunity to hang out with Dennis for a few hours while he was working on a project here in town.
Being young when the discovering a band might haven something to do with being sensitive to the form of the band. There are many fine examples of new members bringing a positive influence to a group, but the members at the time of the discovery seems to influence how one views a group when key band members change.
What are your thoughts and experiences?