Bang & Olufsen beolab 90 $115,000 Pair

Review of luxury speakers Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 90

bang & olufsen beolab 90

Imagine a speaker so intellectually conceptualized, exquisitely designed, and so finely tuned that it can deliver an exceptional audio experience in any environment. This is the new acoustic speaker BeoLab 90 from Bang & Olufsen. It will change the future of sound.





You're really not qualified to say that they're selling sizzle if you haven't heard them, A lot of research went into them, and you may not like the size or the way they look but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth it to the right customer.

Looks like something that would come alive, shed its skin and eat you and your family.  Set itself back into your system and no one would know.  My girlfriend thought the Avantgardes are sinister looking.  This one creeped her out.

They would look right at home in a large ultra modern home along with unual sculptures and paintingsI'm curious how they sound. I agree with kingsluey lol!