BAT NOS Super Tubes

Has anyone with BAT equipment compared the 6H30-S BAT NOS Super Tubes to the standard 6H30-N new production tubes? The BAT NOS tubes cost $300 (these tubes are no longer made hence the price) a pop, maybe more now, and I am wondering how these tubes effect sound in comparison to the standard 6H30 production tubes. Thanks
Are you referring specifically to the stock held by Victor, or generalities about the Reflektor NOS 6H30DR tubes circa 1970-80s? I am unclear as to whether these are same or different.
Hello Bostonbean,

The way I hear it is the BAT NOS tubes are more dynamic linear so dynamic shading is more nuanced and energetic. I also hear a more textured tonal palette with the BAT 6h30's.

That being said the new production 6h30 has got quite a bit better over the years and IMO their sound has improved nicely.

Only you can decide for yourself if it's worth the extra $$$ to go for BAT NOS tubes. The right answer for you will be a different one than it will be for someone else.

There is quite a bit of discussion on the topic if you do a search here on A'gon and Audio Asylum.

Yes, I am referring to the NOS tubes held by Victor.

Thanks, Tom. I followed your suggestion and looked at the other threads. Will probably stick with the new production tubes that BAT issues with their equipment.