Bat VK-51se vs. Atma-sphere MP-1 Mk II

Which of these do you think is a better and more reliable preamp? (Bat VK-51se vs. Atma-sphere Mp-1 mkII) Owners of Bats and Atmas, please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks.
Just a few thoughts. You don't mention if you need a phono section. I mention this because the atmasphere comes with one and 51se does not.
Regarding reliabilty I can't comment on bat but I have owned an atmasphere amp and preamp for some time and reliability is excellent. Should there be a problem factory support is world class.
I currently use an MP3 mostly with vinyl and will only say that it is capable of exceptional sound.
As always, the best option is to audition the products and decide for yourself.
But nobody has owned/compared the BAT VK-51SE with the MP-1(line-stage)with an Atma-Sphere amp?