Battle of affordable pre-amps: Rotel vs Parasound

Which would sound better, Rotel RC 1550 or Parasound P3? System is 2-channel, pair of Quad 22L2s powered by a 200wpc Rotel RB-1080. Room is small, 12x10x8, and acoustical foam will be applied to front and back walls. Floor is carpeted. I mostly listen to CDs, although I do keep up a lossless music library for my iPod. We can talk DACs later! Musical preference ranges from Frank Sinatra to Beethoven to electronica/IDM, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, and Bowie. I don't have a decent CD player yet, but you can assume Rotel RCC-1055 or Music Hall 25.2 or Cambridge Audio 550. Your thoughts are appreciated, thanks.
I think you might find some system synergy with the Rotel since you already have a Rotel power amp.
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you seem to be limiting yourself to only two budget pre-amps. There is the Adcom gfp565. Built to last with great sound and on the cheap.
I'd consider the RC-1090 preamp that preceeded the 1550. I had two of them and liked them better than the BAT tubed and SS preamps that I also owned. It would have great synergy with your amp. You don't need a balanced preamp because your amp is not truly balanced even though it has XLR connections. There's a positive review of this preamp with your amp here The Parasound does have nice features that you might like such as balance and tone controls and the Rotel does not.
I have owned the Halo/Parasound P3 and it is a very good sounding preamp for the money. It will easily beat any Rotel preamp.