Bazaar buzz

So if I plug my ARC Classic 60 into the wall with the speakers hooked up and turn it on I get no buzz. Please note that no other equipment is plugged in NOR are and interconnects attaches to the amp or any other piece of equipment. 
HOWEVER, if the only thing I do is plug interconnects into the amp - nothing else, I get a buzz/hum.  Mind you the cables are ONLY PLUGGED INO THE AMP. 

If you have interconnects hooked only into the amp, and not into your (or any), preamp, your amp will hum, as it is picking up RFI. You need to plug the interconnects into the amp and preamp to avoid this. 
Turn OFF amp and wait a few minutes before attaching to preamp!
(This is perfectly normal with an un-terminated input).Don’t connect to CD player!I’d turn off whatever preamp you're connecting, as well.
So if I plug my ARC Classic 60 into the wall with the speakers hooked up and turn it on I get no buzz. Please note that no other equipment is plugged in NOR are and interconnects attaches to the amp or any other piece of equipment.
Your getting an "open circuit input buzz", if you put shorting plugs into the input, the buzz should go away, same if you have preamps cd players or dacs connected. (The input needs to see a load)
Cheers George
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