Benchmark DAC1 vs CAL Sigma

I have an old CAL Sigma I in my system. I generally like the sound, it's musical & dynamic, however there's a bit of shrillness in the top end that I find off putting. I'm wondering how different a modern upsampling DAC such as the Benchmark DAC1 or a PS Audio Digital Link III would sound in my system? I'm a bit of a noob with external DACs so any input would be greatly appreciated.
Can someone respond to the original question? I, too, have a Cal Sigma I and II, and have had good experiences rolling tubes for this DAC. However, I want to hear about options for the next step up. Insights or comparisons with PS Audio DAC, Benchmark, Bryston, or Bel Canto 3 will be especially appreciated. Com'n Audigoners, us Cal Sigma owners await your insights to help us evaluate our next DAC. (FYI, my transport is the Sony SACD/DVD 9000ES.)
Thanks for the responses everyone!

Lostbears, my Sigma is pulling 'dual duty' for me. I am running pc based audio into it via a digital coax cable, and I am also running an Oppo DV-980h into the Sigma via optical cable so that I can enjoy concert DVDs through my 2 channel stereo system (such as Diana Krall's Paris & Rio concerts & the many outstanding jazz DVD offerings from Jazz Icons such as Anita O'Day, Ella Fitzgerald, Art Farmer etc) I flip a switch on the Sigma to go from coax to optical input.

I have a Doge 6 Tube CD Player for redbook CD, but I have to say that that playing redbook CD through the Oppo/Sigma combo sounds ALMOST as good as it sounds through my $1500 Doge-save for this bit of shrillness that I mentioned in my original post. Here's the rest of my system:

ARC LS-3 Preamp
Bryston 4B_ST Amp
Doge 6 Tube CDP
Oppo DV-980h Universal Player
Revel F30 Speakers
Morrow Audio MA-2/SP-2/MAP-2 Reference Interconnects/cables/cords
Since, apparently, no one has done a direct comparison of the Cal Sigma with the Benchmark DAC 1 or the PS Audio, FWIW, maybe this is as close as you can get: I had a dac of approx. the same era, the MSB Half Nelson with upgraded power supply, and the Benchmark DAC1 ate it for lunch.

My friend had a Cal CD player of the same era, then replaced it with a new Classe CD 10 (I think it was), which cost $2,000 and was much superior to the Cal CD player, he thought. Then, he sold the Classe when he heard my Benchmark DAC1, which he felt was better than the Classe, and got a Benchmark also.

Looking at your system, I think a DAC1 would work very nicely, but be sure to use a reasonably good transport and a good digital cable.

Hope this helps.
Your shrillness at the top end could be either jittery hash from a DAC or it might be the metal drivers used on the F30. (All rigid metal drivers suffer from unwanted ringing and designers must all try to mitigate this within the crossover design - some people like this sound as it may sound more "etched" or detailed - others prefer paper/fabric damped cones as no crossover seems to completely cure the ringing problem)

Since you can usually get a Benchmark DAC1 for a home trial (from a pro music center), I'd recommend you try it and see and report back. If you don't find the DAC1 does enough for you then you can usually return it within 30 days - no questions.
I've owned both the Benchmark and the PS Audio, as well as a Musical Fidelity V-DAC, haven't heard the CAL.

To me, the Benchmark was too bright/harsh. The PS Audio was very nice, smooth yet detailed. But I ended up keeping the V-DAC. For about a third of the price of the PS Audio, it was very, very close. I'm still not sure if I heard a difference or if I thought the PS Audio was better because it looked nicer and cost more.

Good Luck