Best 27' speaker stands?

For the first time in 30 years, I getting a pair of small monitor speakers, the LSA1s, and need speaker stands. I have not kept up with reviews or opinions about which are the most favored speaker stands. The new LSA1 weigh 24 pounds each. Since the speakers cost $2500, I really don't want quite expensive stands.
Skylan stands ::;Very nice guy to deal with..Quality stands and great reviews.........
I've owned Skylan. I now have Sound Anchors. Yes, Skylan's Noel is a sweet guy. Yes, the non-metal concept is intriguing. But...the Sound Anchor stands are just plain better.
Lindisfarne, I have two Sound Anchor equipment racks in my storage room dating from at least twenty years. I had forgotten about them. Thanks for the advice.