Best 3-way or 4-way speaker under $15K

On the market for a new full range 3-way or 4-way dynamic speaker. Budget is $15K and under. Want to get the most live sound for my $$$.
well, it really depends on what you like. I think top end and midrange are more important than anything, so I will vote for Dynaudio Confidence 5. you can add a Rel Stadium III for $3k and still come out cheaper and better than anything I have heard under $20k. I know because I sold my Confidence 5 to search a "better" speaker under $20k without success and had to buy another pair back later.
Hello Timber, I have no idea what the best speaker is in this price range but I just replaced my Coincident Super Eclipse with the Total Eclipse. One of the reasons I chose this speaker is because of it's efficiency. 94db and bass claiming to go down to 26hz. I use a 12 watt amp that drives this speaker as if it were a 200 watt amp. I am getting eye flinching dynamics with an electrostatic type transparency. I have had many speaker and amp combinations over the years and nothing has thrilled me like this combo. For those who love SET amps or OTLs, but have been frustated finding a speaker that will not strain or fall to pieces when the music gets demanding, give this one an audition. BTW, for those who think tubes can't do great bass, take a listen and learn a lesson. I have not tried any ss amps with this speaker and I don't intend to. Good hunting Timber.
Check thread "about Nestorovic" on these pages. You will find very interesting observation, by the owner of Nestorovic speakers.
You ought to check the Egglestonworks Andras. They are under $15 K if $14,900 counts, have a wonderful tweeter and midrange, and astonishing bass, and were Stereophile Class A until a few months ago (they drop components they have not recently heard). Best of all, they are visually striking, quite compact for their extraordinary sound front, and are designed to go within a foot or 18" of the rear walls. But they eat power--250 to 350 watts per channel are really necessary.