Best Amp and Pre-amp with silver transformers and silver wiring

Recently had a chance to listen to Audio Technica AT1000T with Ikeda Kai cartridge in my set up. Was blown away!! 
I read that it has silver transformers.
Would like to hear what was the best Amp and Pre-amp with silver transformers that you heard and compared with what. Also, please list other components in the system.

I own a very nice amp with silver wire output transformers--Audio Note Kageki.  But, I cannot say that it is necessarily the transformer wire composition that makes it a very good amp.  I also own a pushpull amp with copper wiring that I actually prefer to the Kageki (a custom made clone of a Western Electric 133).  The two best amps I've heard did not have silver transformers; one is the Western Electric 59a, and the other is a custom-made OTL amp that doesn't have output transformers.

I don't think that any particular design feature is the be-all and end-all of amplifier design.  
@mijostyn can you pls share which were the best amps you have had? Have you compared with any amps with silver transformers?
Silver is nice (we've built our amps and preamps on a custom basis with silver wire) but really all that's happening is that it seems to break-in faster than copper. If the copper is properly treated so that is does not corrode, its a better conductor than silver. But in most wiring that you encounter in audio (except perhaps in speaker cables) the difference in conductivity is not an issue. Compared side by side we really couldn't hear any difference between two of our amps one wired with silver and one with our own custom copper wire. We did hear a difference when the gear was initially built but after break-in it was gone.

I don't think that any particular design feature is the be-all and end-all of amplifier design.  

I agree with this. Execution has a lot to do with it but that isn't the end-all of it either.