Best amp for 5k used? SS or Tube

Hi I am looking for a new amp for around 5k used. You can view my current system here:

Any comments on any of the following amps would be helpful. Also, any new suggestions or advice would be welcome as well. I think an amp with at least 150 watts in 8 ohms is ideal for solid state. As for tube I don’t think it makes difference as long as it can go up to 105 db.

My main choices are:

Edge NL 10 – the best choice I think

LAMM M1.1 monos

Gamut 250 monos

A Rowland amp … not sure which one

BAT VK – 1000

PASS X-250 (sounds the same as the 350 on my speakers)

Bel Canto EVO Monos

Tube amps are possible too as my speakers are about 94 db efficient. But SS is preferable because I don’t want to deal with the tube hassle. Comments are welcome. Thanks in advance for all who help.
I just finished up some monos from Parasound and you might want to give them a listen before you buy used....These retail for 6K/pr and are the best we can do with a very powerful amp (400w and 130a current), but more importantly in your case they have S/N of over 120dB.....10yr warranty.....These are known as the JC-1 and will be available the end of the month....
If you go with the Sim Audio let the seach end. You can always find something else that peaks your interest. I have not heard the Sim Audio but if that is the amp for you buy it and listen listen listen. Just remember the upgrade path doesn't always lead to better sound most of the time just different sound.
I have to agree with Thorty and Tubegroover that the Berning is a great amp. IMO it combines the best attributes of SS(great bass,extended frequency extremes,ability to drive most speakers) with those of tubes(soundstaging,midrange clarity,intimacy-you are there feeling). It is built to last, reasonable in price, and not finicky. Give it a listen. I think you will be very happy with the sonics.