Best amp for 6 ohms speakers

What's the best amp for driving 6 ohms speakers?
Some amps overheat if the load falls below 4 should
check the amp ratings first.
I'm using Episode 700 monitor speakers rated at 130 watts RMS, 325 watts peak. I'm looking for an amp at $199 - $299 that's capable of driving them.
Those speakers are 89db sensitive so they should be pretty easy to drive. Are you looking for a power amp or integrated amp?
In that price range, a used Hafler is probably the best
sounding bet. Any of them can drive a 2 ohm load, all day
long, at rated power. Having the power supply caps replaced,
on the older ones, would be a good idea. Type, "eBay Hafler
power amp" in your searchbar. This site won't handle the
whole url, for a link. Another nice thing about the Haflers;
they are a piece of cake to upgrade/tweak, should you get the
urge later.

+1 to Rodman99999's suggestion on Hafler amplifiers. I've had speakers similar in spec to the Episode 700 Monitor speakers and I really liked either the Hafler DH-220 or the Hafler XL-280 amplifiers with them. I once tried a Hafler DH-500 with bookshelf speakers and I got an improvement in bass but the mids and highs seemed to have disappeared.