Best Amp/Preamp/CD or DAC for Wilson Watt Puppy 7

everyone always hears about the trickiness of matching great components together and was wondering what has made people happiest in conjunction with using the Wilson Watt Puppy 7 speakers.

I currently use the Wilson Puppy 7 with Rowland 302, BAT Vk51SE and Cary 306-200.

I have heard a lot about wilson puppy 7 with halcro and also curious about EMM dcc2 users with wilson watt puppy.


How do you like the BAT/Rowland combo? Try any other preamps?

I have some 201s coming in to check out with my 31SE on my Sophias....I'm sure they are not the same as the Lamms, but then again they are much more inexpensive :)
FWIW (and I am definately blowing my own horn on this one), John Giolas of Wilson Audio has access to everything and chose Atma-Sphere MA-2s in his setup at home.

See also:
Thanks for the responses so far.....I am leaning towards going all solid state at this time because of my living situation with fiancee and the use of the amp with my wide screen tv.

As for the batvk51se and rowland combo its very smooth and the midrange is great. I have not had the opportunity to try out any other preamps with the rowland 302. I had tried the BAT with the Krell 400cx and prefer the rowland to it (but not by a country mile).

I was thinking perhaps the Halcro DM 58 but even used its pricier than the Rowland and with less power to boot. I wonder if the Halcro crowd like to rock or is it for a more genteel populace.

Keithr- The Rowland 201's were really amazing with my WP7's but they couldn't drive the bass with enough authority compared to my Lamm's. They have liquid smooth top end... Tubes without the pain! and they run really cool.. The Sophia's are an easier load to drive on the bottom and should be a perfect match! They are truelly a bargain, I am going to try a pair of the 501's when my dealer gets them to see if the extra current can grab ahold of my woofers..

If I had not been living with the Lamm's I would have bought the 201's they are that good (and the pricepoint)! But I had heard the magic of the Lamm's.
I'd sure try some experimentation before you dump your amp. I recall listening to several top CD players a few years ago and all were 'nice' but all had their own character. Top or close to the top Wadia, Theta, ARC. My point is system synergy is the key! (And I read the 302s need lots of break-in.)

Then there's wire. And power conditioning. My WP7s sound good on my ARC VT100MKII conditioned by PS AUDIO PP600 (and are less impressive without the PP.) The PP seems to deepen and make the bass more prominent - a good thing.

I plan to try the 201s because I'm tired of schlepping the VT100 in for tubes.

I recently sold my Room Lenses and I miss them. Sometimes the subtle details add up for a nice surprise.

My source is a modded (3x) SCD-1. I think that was a good move and each mod has taken me a step closer to the goal.

My pre is a modded ARC LS5MKIII - a keeper, I think.

Let us know what you discover?

Bob Wood