Best Amp/Preamp/CD or DAC for Wilson Watt Puppy 7

everyone always hears about the trickiness of matching great components together and was wondering what has made people happiest in conjunction with using the Wilson Watt Puppy 7 speakers.

I currently use the Wilson Puppy 7 with Rowland 302, BAT Vk51SE and Cary 306-200.

I have heard a lot about wilson puppy 7 with halcro and also curious about EMM dcc2 users with wilson watt puppy.


LAMM ML1.1/2 amps, LL2 preamp, Accuphase DP-77 and Siltech Classic cables. I auditioned this system at CSA Audio and immediately started moving to this end. Just about there, saving for the speakers. NUFF SAID!
Put this in your pipe...
I am driving the WP7s with a cj premier 12 (tube monos.) Directly fed by an Audio Synthesis DAC discrete. All cables (including power) are Transparent reference. Everything (including power amps) is plugged into a P.S. Audio P-600 power plant.
It's fantastic!
I heard Ryan's 55 watt WAVAC's last weekend and they did a superb job of driving the WP7's in a small room. The top was a bit soft and the boyym less tight than the best solid state but the midrange was lush and textured. Very nice sound.