I'm an Eidolon / Velodyne user. My solid state experience is limited to an Ayre V-1xe and more recently enjoyed some NuForce class D mono blocks for different reasons. Both have since been sold.
I recently heard the Sanders Magtech driving a pair of older Thiel CS 7.2's which were previously powered and compared to a pair of Aragon's. A few months back we compared the Ayre to the Aragon's and the owner began shopping. Recently he used the Sanders audition offer and kept the Magtech. With the Thiel's the Magtech was obviously better at everything. If your into fancy casework the Sanders may not entertain.
My issue with some solid state is the congestion that creeps in at higher listening levels. The Sanders seemed to just loaf along unfazed. Check out the Sanders trial details and check it out.
Personally, I'm waiting on a pair of Bob Carver AT180's.