Best AV receiver to use as an AV pre amp

I want to get another AV receiver, but I want one that has a really good pre section in it so I can also use it well for 2 channel music. I have a Bryston 5B ST that I use for the front 3 channels(and for 2 channel music), but I want to use the internal amps in the receiver for the surround channels only (hence why I can't use *just* a preamp).
I am using my Denon AVR 2808 as the pre now with the Bryston and it is OK, but I feel is really holding it back.
Any suggestions on what would be a go AV receiver that has a great preamp section in it ?
Dallyd31 - do you really understand that you can have a single 'setup' that does both HT and 2-channel?

This type of configuration does NOT mean having seperate rooms or separate speakers - it means a single 'setup' that does BOTH multi-channel music and 2-channel music with your existing AVR and speakers. It means adding a single component in your CURRENT system - it does NOT mean another 'setup'.
"Yes..I "want to get another AV rceiver with a good pre section" it also works "well for 2 channel music" Sorry for the confusion, but that seems pretty straight up. "another AV receiver".
I also mentioned twice that a separate 2 channel setup/preamp etc is not an option."

He wants another AVR that also does well with music. How much clearer does the OP have to be?

Yes Erik, I realize this. I realize it is not another setup. This is getting silly. I want another HT receiver, I have made this glaringly clear. Sorry to sound annoyed, but I am not sure how many times I have to try and clarify this. I have no room, nor no desire to add another peice of gear. They way my setup and my room and my space (and my wife) are...not that I need to explain...all dictate I have to use one HT RECEIVER.
All I am asking for is some suggestions on an HT receiver that may be a little better for the 2 channel music portion of my listening experience than the one I currently have.
I really didn't think that asking for some suggestions on receivers would be this difficult.
Here is a link to the 'gon listing.

I made him an offer just now, but no idea if he will ship to Canada, my loss could be your gain

Frankly, why am I even sending you this link, you will end up buying it, and I will be back to square one. But it sounds to me like you need some friends that actually listens to what you here it is
I used to have a pre-owned Cambridge Audio (CA) 540 v.1 AVR. I LOVED IT!

Broke due to issues with switching from stereo to DTS, could have something to do with the liar that sold it to me, but I still used it for 3 yrs, so I feel I got my $500 worth out of it.

I have the Denon 2805, a few years old but sounds pretty good. Nothing compared to the CA though.

Your quandry is very similiar to mine, don't worry, be happy, or search for that elusive increase in all things sonic. Mind you I ended up buying a Yaqin tube amp for my two channel listening, but this was well afer the CA went heaven

I am seriouly considering getting a new Cambridge AVR, I just loved the sound, very detailed, but not harsh. Could hear everything on Movies and SACD, much more so than my present 2805. Stereo sound was understandibly quite superior as well, gevin what CA is all about

There is a Cambridge Audio AVR on this site for sale for around $550, if this fellow was willing to ship to Canada I would buy it, but his ad says USA only.

Have not heard the Arcams, but they are very popular with the crowd that has money (which ain't me, which ain't me, I ain't no fortune son)