Best bookshelf loudspeakers under 10,000 for the pair

I had the elac Navis I thought they were very good until I heard the Elac vela Which was much better In almost every aspect I’ve also listened to the Revel  126Be which were absolutely destroyed by the Elac’s.I am downsize my system from Martin Logan electrostats and quad 2905 And would like a bookshelf that would have some of the same attributes of the quads. I listen primarily to jazz and would like to stay under $10,000. (Fast transient  response, resolution/detail, musicality)
I’m driving the system with a PS audio direct stream dac directly connected to a primaLuna evo 300 Power amp. I’m thinking of switching that out possibly for a pass labs 25/30.8, or possibly a benchmark power amp.
1:21amIn my humble opinion, a little old speaker manufacturer in my hometown of Kingsport, Tennessee, has a very nice speaker out now. The Watkins Stereo Generation 4 is quite amazing. William "Bill" Watkins, Sr., and Bill, Jr. have built a solid reputation over the last 46 years. Bill, Sr. developed and patented a Dual Voice Coil Woofer that was used by Infinity. Below is a description I found from a review:

I also bought the Generation Fours.  My friends turned me on to Watkins speakers back when I was in was our goal from high school until we worked and saved enough money to purchase our first pair of Watkins speakers.  Bill Watkins designed and built not only his own popular line but he also designed for Infinity Speakers.  I still have that first pair of WSCs --and did I ever play them a lot for over 40 years!  They were also transported to many a party but that is another story!  A couple of years ago, I was able to ship them to Watkins, who serviced and returned them to me. They play as good as new!  Last year for Christmas I treated myself to the Watkins Generation Four.  I displayed them in my den where I am working now and pretty much listen to them all day long.  It is as if I am there in person listening to a live performance. They received some really good reviews which you can link to here  Watkins speakers are known for their quality and durability plus the business has an outstanding reputation standing behind their products.  I have two friends who own the Generation Fours and they are happy as well.  Great sound that I will be enjoying for a long time at a great value in my opinion.  
Latest Joseph Audio Pulsars @ $7500/pr.
Haven't heard any compact speakers beat the Pulsars.
Jim Smith
My pair of Intuitive Design Gammas retailed for $12k when new.  They are about 10 years old and I doubt in that price range there's a better monitor.  
Second the Boenicke suggestion. I have heard the TADs sound superb and then really poor. 

Problem with the Intuitive Design is that Dale modified the drivers and I am not certain that you could get new drivers with the proper voodoo. Also you need some good hefty power for these speakers.
One more vote for the Joseph Audio Pulsars.  I have very similar electronics, at least on the digital side.  Direct Stream DAC into PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium pre and then Dialogue Premium HP amp.  Great combination.