09-21-10: Audiofeil
... However, I'm a big moving magnet fan and almost 50% of my cartridges are moving magnet/iron. Cut my teeth on the original Shure V-15 (old fart). They are by leaps and bounds much better values than moving coils. No contest.
For the past month or so I've spent a fair amount of time with these moving magnets:
Audio Technica AT150MLX
Audio Technica AM-30s
Signet TK7SU
My cartridge experience is microscopic compared to yours, but after trying an Ortofon, a Shure, Denon DL-160 and the Audio Technica AT150MLX, the AT eclipses them all by a considerable margin, and has continued to show great balance, clarity, detail, and musical perspective even after a complete signal chain upgrade south of the phono stage--cables, electronics, power cord, and speakers.
I owned the Signet back in 1977 and parted with it foolishly. Recently came across an NOS and jumped at it. They are very difficult to find (NOS stylus almost impossible) but simply one of the finest cartridges I've heard/owned. If you find one buy it or email me.
Wasn't the Signet sourced from Audio Technica as well? (Not implying that they're the same cartridge.)