i'ld like to know your experience: please indicate two CDT: your prefer and wich one you have comparated with (also integrated cd player but only use as transport)

let's go:




Nice! list of Players. You own a rare Pioneer BDP-88FD.  I love my BDP-85.


Happy Listening!

TEAC VRDS-791T ...?

Has anyone tried this transport yet?

Thinking of it myself to go with my TEAC UD-791N DAC/Streamer.

Also has the 10Mhz master clock input so I could use my TEAC CG-10M.

Seems reasonably priced, too.

I've had a Cambridge Audio and Audiolab. Both were capable. I noticed a quantitative difference with a used  PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport. I wouldn't consider any player without an I2S (HDMI) input. Best wishes.