Equipment:Want to replace interconnects, price negotiable for right cables. Pleasing sound with detail, great soundstage and very neutral.All the equipment will remain only the IC cables will go first than speaker cables.

Speakers: Martin Logan Prodigy
Amp: Mark Levinson No.336
Preamp: Mark Levinson No. 380s
CD Player: Mark Levinson No. 390s
Anolog Fm Tuner: Magnum Dynalab MD102
Speaker Cable: Monster M2.4 (15ft. pr)
Interconnects: M1000i
Might also want to check out the 8 foot Mangnan Signature speaker cables that just came up for sale here for $400..
Check out Zu cable Warmouth and Stealth CWS interconnects.
I have a Krell 7.1 and a Krell 1500 amp powering 4 Legacy Focus speakers and a center and these IC's were my final choice over many of the brands mentioned.