Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
>>RSBeck, I own ATC's you own Monitor Audio, who's midfi now?<<

Well, if you're starting a pissing contest, I have no idea what you're putting up against my system, nor why you feel the need, but if it is what you have listed, you've got a ways to go before you should pull down your zipper. I don't see anything in your system that I would consider owning instead of what I have. Everything you have would be a huge step down from what I have. I think you're better off trying to sell your stuff without starting up this type of stuff. But -- hey -- that's just me.
RSBeck said; 6-11-05

"That's because you're listening with low end home theater gear."

Figured you might have a short memory on why I posted that comparative statement. But I wanted to clarify that I wasn't listening to lo-fi gear and infact it's as good as your system, even in two channel. ATC SCM-150's was the exact speakers, to videe these speakers(

Be nice if you had pictures.

Anywhooo, what do you think of my recommendation to Saffy? Got any insite how this approach is flawed, its the easiest to install and the most obvious in my opinion. your input would be appreciated.
The intercchange went like this --

You wrote ---

"I suffer when I listen to my music in two channel."

"That's because you're listening with low end home theater gear."

>>it's as good as your system<<

You've upgraded since then, but going by your listed system, you are welcome to think a system that cost a fraction of mine is just as good, but obviously I don't share that opinion.

Price range aside, since I do not suffer when I listen to music in two channel, I think your own indictment of your system is enough to refute your argument.

>>Got any insite how this approach is flawed<<

I'm not sure how you achieve what you suggest on Saffy's budget.

You're short on budgetary details.
Regarding the absence of a center channel -- I would guess a four channel system would work similar to a two channel system. With my two channel system, one need not be in the sweet spot to enjoy the phantom center. I think this would depend of the speakers. If I were you, I would try it with four speakers and if you feel like you need that center channel, see if you can demo a center channel speaker so you can hear the difference.