The chipsets for decoding the new audio codecs are delayed, few people actually have them, then their is the whole HDMI handshake issue to deal with which has kept many companies at bay from adding these to their units as they just haven't had time to iron out the wrinkles so to speak.
This is why the ML 502 is not HDMI 1.3, and I know from last years CEDIA and this year CES many are trying to make such a pre/pro, but few have succeeded in it yet.
Check out the Lyngdorf (they make TacT's gear) D1, it should be released by now or very soon, I hope to get one shortly for evaluation, to my knowledge it is the only true high end pre/pro that is HDMI 1.3 and decodes all the new codecs. I bought the Denon AVP-A1HDCi but an away from home for a couple weeks so haven;t even unboxed it yet, but this is so far the most feature packed pre/pro made.
FWIW I have been hunting for just the pre/pro you seem to be looking for for over a year, others to watch for are the Meridian 861 v6 which hopefully will have HDMI 1.3 but we'll see as no specs have yet been released (and the v5 was only sort of displayed @ CEDIA, it was @ CES but labeled as v4!)
Sim Audio is trying to make one as well, but@ CES they only had 2:1 HDMI switching, which is useless for a modern system, maybe they'll increase that...
Krell is looking to add HDMI 1.3 to the 1000 pre/pro, when I don't know.
Good luck on your hunt!
The chipsets for decoding the new audio codecs are delayed, few people actually have them, then their is the whole HDMI handshake issue to deal with which has kept many companies at bay from adding these to their units as they just haven't had time to iron out the wrinkles so to speak.
This is why the ML 502 is not HDMI 1.3, and I know from last years CEDIA and this year CES many are trying to make such a pre/pro, but few have succeeded in it yet.
Check out the Lyngdorf (they make TacT's gear) D1, it should be released by now or very soon, I hope to get one shortly for evaluation, to my knowledge it is the only true high end pre/pro that is HDMI 1.3 and decodes all the new codecs. I bought the Denon AVP-A1HDCi but an away from home for a couple weeks so haven;t even unboxed it yet, but this is so far the most feature packed pre/pro made.
FWIW I have been hunting for just the pre/pro you seem to be looking for for over a year, others to watch for are the Meridian 861 v6 which hopefully will have HDMI 1.3 but we'll see as no specs have yet been released (and the v5 was only sort of displayed @ CEDIA, it was @ CES but labeled as v4!)
Sim Audio is trying to make one as well, but@ CES they only had 2:1 HDMI switching, which is useless for a modern system, maybe they'll increase that...
Krell is looking to add HDMI 1.3 to the 1000 pre/pro, when I don't know.
Good luck on your hunt!