Best cost no object tube phono

Hi Agoners,

just upgraded everything to SS Accuphase, loving it and have no intention to go back to tube pre/power. However, I have to admit that I miss a bit of tube sweetness particularly on mid. What is the best cost no object tube phono stage?

Thanks in advance for any advices
Dear @mcmprov : Great cartridges youown. Normally FM can gives you the unit with higher gain but I?m not totally sure.

The best you can do is tocontact RM here:

I'd probably have in mind to use EMT OFD 15, 25, 65 & JSD with FM easily take advantage of the EQ curves, as I have many 78s.
@mcmprov Do you have cartridges with 78rpm styli as well? The larger stylus makes less noise in the groove!
Thanks Ralph.  Yes, I have the EMT OFD 65, and the Miyajima Infinity Mono 3 mil for 78s as well.  Aside from noise, I'd worry that the wide grooves of 78s might mess up my microgrove mono cartridges (OFD 15 / 25, Miyajima 1.0 mil).  Anyway, you might be pleased to know that I also have the AtmaSphere MP1...I'm your customer from California who asked for the mods so that I can use reel to reel tapes (IEC / NAB).  I should send my unit in for an update to the latest version...when funds permit.  I hope all is well, and I really appreciate the insight you share on these forums.  All the best, Mark
Thanks Raul.  Good to know.  That will be great it they can customize the gain.  
@rauliruegas Thanks for bringing to our attention the member from WBF who goes by Lagonda (kps25sc over here). As you well know, he is a major besotted disciple of the guru over there. As you also mentioned, seems like Lagonda had the temerity to state that there were more experienced members on that forum...LOL!