Best current 845 Tubes

NOS is ridiculous to find, and if they aren't fakes, and aren't used up they get really expensive. So lets keep them out of the equation.

A few searches revealed a few flavors available. And some information that makes them all seem like the same tubes re-branded. So I'm looking for opinions.

Shuguang 845
Shuguang 845B
Shuguang 845C
Psvane 845-T
TJ Full Music 845
Sophia Electric 845
Create Audio 845
Taylor 845

I think TJ and Sophia are the same tube.
I have both 845 and 300B single-ended amps. My answer is, yes the best 845 can compete with 300B in the midrange. The quality of the driver tube might be more important in the 845 than in the 300B, in getting equal midrange. There will be greater variances from amp to amp in the 300B realm than between the two triode tube types themselves. "Compete" doesn't mean exactly the same. If the two amps pitting 300B v. 845 are built to equal standards of design, circuit execution and build quality, the 300B amp is likely to be perceived as delivering marginally more finesse and dexterity and the 845 more energetic dynamics and projection. But the underlying fundamentals can be quite similar. You just have a few more tube options in 300B for voicing an amp than you have in 845. I will say, however, that if the oft-cited midrange magic of 300B SET is your first priority, you will get it from a cheaper 300B amp than 845 for similar sound. The less expensive 845 amps generally don't have as much resolution, clarity, dimensioning and light-handedness as entry level 300B.

But again, I am describing differences of degree. Both will give you essential SET tone. My 845 and 300B amps are the same rated power -- by virtue of the 300B amps being PSET. The midrange quality between the two is fully competitive, but the 845 sounds more dynamic and energetic, and the 300B amps have a little more ultimate resolving capability, in part influenced by the higher silver content in the 300B amps. The larger qualitative differences are in design and execution more than in the tube types.

8-21-13 willieher
Curious to know if anyone has heard the newest Psvane WE845
from there replica series. There add compares its sound on par with a RCA 845. Build quality looks good.
I would hazard a guess that 99.8% of all 845 tube users have never seen, never mind heard, an original WE 845 tube.

Psvane is capitalizing on the Western Electric name that was made famous with their 300B tubes. I would not be an early adopter of any new Psvane tube, as they appear to coming out with a “better” tube each month. $800 for China made pair of 845’s seems steep.
I know that the WE-845 has not filtered to many customers yet so I really did not expect many reviews on them, but what about the "other" tubes in the WE series perhaps the
WE-300B or Wr2a3 and lets not forget the We-212 @ $1,700 a tube and the lonely EL-34.

+1 for Shuguang 845B. My amp came with Linlai HiFi, their base intro level tube. OK but not distinctive.  The Shuguang 845B much smoother, with nice balance, good strong bass, warmer but still neutral midrange and clean, clear treble. Pleasant linear sounding tube. Definitely an upgrade at a reasonable price. i  paid $250 for the pair.  NOS RCA, United and GE outrageous $$$, so won’t be rolling them in! 

Have another amp that runs KR 300B XLS, spectacular tubes! But $1,000 pair. I would imagine the KR 845 would also be a spectacular tube.  Thousands less than NOS RCAs. Maybe someday, but I’m happy enough with the Shuguang 845B to not order KRs anytime soon.