Best Dock , DAC

Been wanting to upgrade the sound of my I-pod for use in the garage and at the lake . Just wondered if anyone can recommend a good Dock Dac ?
Since these are my second and third systems I don't want to go to crazy with the price , maybe around $1500.
The ONLY way to do this and get great sound quality is using a digital dock, not using the analog outs from the iPod.

I second the Pure i20. I have one and its amazing for the price. The analog outs from it are fantastic,but can be bettered by taking the digital out and reclocking with a Synchro-Mesh. Then drive to a good DAC like a Metrum Octave or maybe the new Mytek. Total outlay about $1700 including S/SDIF coax cable and even less if you buy the DAC used.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve ,, where do you take the digital out from, from a dock or from the I-pod itself ?