Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions

Yes, I have the latest addition to the Bluesound node, I guess third generation, prior to the most recent anniversary X addition. I know they have improved the inner DACS with each version but now I’m asking what would be some thing better in your opinion and one that is in the ballpark.

I have Cornwall Heritage IV speakers, and I am currently running a NAD C 316BEE amp( which pairs well with Klipsch 102 db) at 40 WPC. In the winter my Mancave is heated by a tube Cary SLI-80, UL /Triode 4/8 OHMS. 
either way, I love the ability of the Bluesound node to be my preamp and facilitating my Apple Airplay 2 and the eArc into the TV/CD. Mancave is treated, speakers and me complete a 6’ triangle.

Post removed 

Now I’m not quite convinced that adding an exterior Denafrips to my Bluesound Node has paid quantitive improvements. Also I think the NAD C1366BEE amp far exceeds the First Watt J2 with my current Cornwall iv match up. However…. The Rogue RP-1 preamp is a nice edition. I’m going to give the Ares ll some additional listening time to decide whether it’s keepable.  I put the First Watt J2 back on the market here. 

My mistake. I did not place the jumpers in position when using RCA connectors! First Watt J2 jumped up in gain!

After a lengthy conversation with a EE friend, and there knowing my interest in having a not too large casing on a Second DAC (small and concealed as a device is a goal), they have suggested a model I look into, that is a DAC referred to as a ProtoDAC. 

There seems to be a growing interest in this as a design.