Best headphone amp.

Looking for the best headphone amp to use with my Senn HD-600s. Should I go with X-Cans or Creek? Other options? Anyone have any experience with the sonic characteristics of either?
Second the EarMax. Heard a friend's with Grado (R-1's I think, nice wood, amazing sound, hinky overall design) and now I want one. Almost as good as a mega bucks Stax combo that I listended to several years ago.
Here is a weired twist ... For Less money if you look hard you may be able to find a H.H. Scott 299 D intergrated tube amp which has a great headphone section that "It just sounds right." & the impedence to drive the Senheisers. Melos sha gold & Mesa Tigris cant drive em . or go for the ear max . xcan2 is also a good piece for the money I also owned a xcan .
Watch out. Grado headphones are low-impedance. May noy match well with high-impedance headphone amps.
Gentlemen, could you point me towards where I might get more info on the EarMax? I'd like to check it out. Many thanks.