Best Headphones & Amp---Opinions Please

I have a B&W / Lexicon centered high-end system. Just discovered the joy of listening to headphones. Have the Senn 650's with an upgraded 15 foot Cardas cable (no headphone amp) connected directly to my Onkyo 905 receiver. I would like to "push the envelope" in this area by upgrading to whatever my fellow aduiogoner's may suggest.

I would like opinion on the best equipment available. Cost is not a major consideration, but, I would rather not spend considerably more just for a 5 to 10% improvement--in other words---the most bang for the bucks.

Thanks in advance for your assistance--Dave
I have a Grado 325i headphone and I power it with a Music Fidelity vCan.

I tested the Grado against the AKG 701 and liked the warmth of the Grado. It has a lower imped. so more amp options are available.

Phones were under 300 and the amp was 175.
Please consider close-type headphones Denon D2000 or D5000. They have a deeper bass than Sennheiser HD600/HD650.

As for the amp, April Music HP100 is a very good solid-state headphone amp (it is also a pre amp).
I just got Sennheiser 800hd...I have a question that I haven't been able to find an answer for yet. I don't have a "headphone" amp, just a regular integrated with a headphone input (Marantz Pm 11s2) does a decent integrated compare to the headphone amps?
It depends on the Int. But I've found that most dedicated headphone amps outperform most jacks off preamps and int. amps. there are however some great headphone outs on some of the Carys and manleys and some vintage stuff.
if i owned the HD800 i would, without a doubt be looking for a nice hesadphone amp to get the most out of them.
Lots of info at either or