Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
I'm looking at downsizing my system, want to try something different. Currently I use an Ayre KX-R preamp and two MX-R monoblocks, with Proac Response D80 speakers. Sounds great. The dealer wants me to listen to the Rowland Continuum 500. To those of you who bought a 500 a few years ago, I'd be interested to know if you still have it, has it changed with time, and are you still happy with your purchase. Or, have you moved on to greener pastures?
Rogalog statement above looks to be the best I have read regarding the best integrated ever,the Great Mark Levinson 383 Integrated.Why would a great marquee like Mark Levinson come out with an integrated at all if it was not a true great integrated.Lets put it this way and if you were smart and loaded and had a couple of Rolls Royces in your garage and needed a do it all SUV or station wagon with the same performance as your main cars,wouldnt you buy a Rolls or Bentley station wagon if they ever made one.Ten or twenty years from now your ML-383 would still hold its own both in sonics and re-sale value down the road like gold does.The other contenders would have turned to ????. I have heard the ML-383 and it was surrounded by the best preamps and amps ever made in the same showrooms and it stood its ground very very proudly.
I have never heard it, but I wonder if the Lindemann 882 Integrated should be part of the conversation? What about Luxman Gear, the 509u?
Having owned quite a few integrated amps and listened to many more, I have to agree with USB, the dartzeel is pretty remarkable, lightning fast, but smooth and detailed. If I could only afford it, I'll just have to wait a few years till one comes up second hand. Why would anyone sell one?