Sc53 might be right about the Viper - more on that later. I haven't tried Kimber Hero but I own Kimber Select KS-3035 speaker cables. To me Kimber has always seemed to have excess energy in the attack transient which can make it harsh sounding in some systems. Overall it is a good cable though.
The viper is an inexpensive cable and as such lacks the harmonic coherance of more refined products. The splashy/brightness of this cable as described by Sc53 is mostly harshness as the cable breaks in. Being 100% copper
I hesitate to think the cable is or ever will be "bright" sounding plus given Audioquests "smooth" family sound, brightness should not be an issue.
Also... Do you have an aftermarket Power Cord on your Transport, DVD or CD player yet? If not, I recommend you get one before buying any I/C's. Reason being is that an aftermarket powercord WILL remove all the digital hash that people often refer to as brightness. Once you put the power cord on, your system will transform and allow you to make better judgements as to which interconnect cables best suit you. Try a Shunyata Black Mamba (at the very least) to hear a big difference in your system.
You might think about using some Kimber Hero or less expensive I/C's for the Rear Channels, and then use the extra money to buy better front channel cables.
The viper is an inexpensive cable and as such lacks the harmonic coherance of more refined products. The splashy/brightness of this cable as described by Sc53 is mostly harshness as the cable breaks in. Being 100% copper
I hesitate to think the cable is or ever will be "bright" sounding plus given Audioquests "smooth" family sound, brightness should not be an issue.
Also... Do you have an aftermarket Power Cord on your Transport, DVD or CD player yet? If not, I recommend you get one before buying any I/C's. Reason being is that an aftermarket powercord WILL remove all the digital hash that people often refer to as brightness. Once you put the power cord on, your system will transform and allow you to make better judgements as to which interconnect cables best suit you. Try a Shunyata Black Mamba (at the very least) to hear a big difference in your system.
You might think about using some Kimber Hero or less expensive I/C's for the Rear Channels, and then use the extra money to buy better front channel cables.