Best intergrated amp. for US$800

I am looking for a musical intergrated amp. pls help
Look through past postings here. The subject has been responded to repeatedly, lots of good ideas put forward
Hey guy, I just looked through the ads on this site. There is a myriad of great integrateds all of which I have listed before. There is a Densen, Classe, Sim and Niam among others. I owned a Beat 100 and loved it. Only sold to move to a Copland CTA-402 tube integrated w/phono. I highly recommend both the piece and the seller.
magnum audio (not magnum dynalab). about $700 new -- sounds unbelievable. contact elliot at acoustic image in studio city, CA (
Look at the NAD 317 -- nice unit that sounds great, plenty of power and nice remote. You can buy them new for about $600. Check out the reviews at -- Good luck.