Best Line conditioner under $1000 used

I am moving into a smaller house. My exsisting house has a dedicated circuit for my system. I will need to use a power conditioner for a while at the new house. I say that without knowing. I assume I need a power conditioner at the new house. It is 100 years old. I guess I am asking what my choices are. Will I benefit from a line regulator/ power conditioner or something. I have been looking at the Monster AVS2000 sig series. Looks like a real nice product.
I have done some reading and find that these items tend to add a signature to the sound. Not to sure I am happy about that. Any input?
Thanks, Scott
I use and am very happy with my Vans Evers. They are, unfortunately, rarely seen on the used market. The good news is that I use the "Unlimiter" on my power amps and the 14 outlet model for everything else and didn't pay $1000 for both of them. Check out their web site.
I will be running a pair of Rogue Magnum 120's, An ARC LS3 and a seperate phono stage and TT.
So I don't think amperage is a huge concern.
Thanks so far, Scott
For a thousand bucks, you should be able to have an electrician install a few dedicated lines. It might be worth looking into as a better alternative than a line regulator or power conditioner; and it will last much longer.
I guess that is my big question. Would it just be in my best interest to avoid all of this in the first place and run a dedicated circuit? Do these devices really effect the sound that much? It wouldn't take me but a half a day to run the circuit. But I was thinking that there could be some benefit from using such a device. If they all effect the sound somehow, there might be one with a positive effect and provide the needed safety needed.