Mr.Eber, I've had a variety of BRS in my system, at all stages of their life; same goes for the 10x4 [the original and the mkII]. BTW, the QC and sonic consistency of BPS was quite poor. I worked in the hi-fi business, 'till a few years ago, and as a result was able to audition and live with quite a few products. I don't own either cartridge; I've used Lyras for the last four years or so. Now that I've answered your question, perhaps you can reply to mine. I just read your reference to the Phonomena phono stage and it's ability to upstage any competing product under $1K, a claim similar to your comments on the BPS and the Dyna. As I understand it you haven't even heard the Dyna and have not compared the Phonomena to similar components. My questions are simple: do you know since you have nothing to back up either claim? 2. do you know what the original poster's TT, for which you recommended the BPS, even looks like? Best Wishes, Felix