TOOL Lateralus
TOOL Fear Innoculum
Best progressive rock album side
My intent is to seek albums which I may not own from the recommendations of you all. I ranked best sides of progressive rock albums on vinyl that I own and came up with the following list. I don't want it to undermine anything else that an artist has created. I love it all but as far as start to finish on one side this is what I came up with.
#1: Supper's Ready
#2: Terrapin Station
#3: Atom Heart Mother
#4 The Court of the King Crimson
#5 Echoes
Of course there are many more. Some may not be complete sides like Atom Heart Mother but the intent of the artisan was to make it a complete side. I had a very hard time deciding between #1 and #2. Both are very worthy in my mind.
Many would not consider it progressive rock but Marilyn Manson's Antichrist Superstar is a brilliant story through song about the dangers of fame (told through much metaphor and allegory). It came out as a CD and thus was represented as a complete work, not just a side. Production and sound quality are excellent as well. Not everyone's cup of tea, but if you aren't familiar with it and want to try something different, check it out. It's too bad that it was his/their creative peak so early in the band's time. They went from kind of schlocky shock rock to this amazing work and back again, never reaching the songwriting quality and mature expression they achieved with Antichrist Superstar. When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed. |
Renaissance; Turns of the cards, Ashes are burning
50 Greatest Prog Rock Albums of All Time |