Best Rock Album in 2012

Ok folks, let's get another one started. Best yearly thread for us rock fans.

Not really rock, but like Gotye "Making Mirrors" so far.


Synthfreek - Never know who's lurking on these forums! Love your stuff and been a fan for a while. I've got Monster Music, Dead Weight and of course the new record. Really like the direction you have taken, Exit Strategy is a great record. I played it constantly the first week I had it here, one of those that just walked into heavy rotation. Especially early morning or late late night...nice stuff.
Wow Richard...thanks for the kudos. Matt recorded every note on the album because he wanted to do his thing but we are currently re-recording guitar and working on new stuff. I'm recreating all the guitar parts live with Ableton & loops. The Exit Strategy video with the robots is my guitar re-recordings. Matt and I used to be in a band together before Larvae existed so I was the natural choice for live shows.
LOVE that video! I want some of those robots. Guys if you have not seen it, go check out the video Synthfreek is talking about. The music is stellar but it's also a very cool little film.

Synthfeek...truly meant it, love the work. Keep us informed on upcoming projects and I hope this exposes some more folks to what you guys are doing.
Also really dig the robot video for Exit Strategy. Very nice. Tried to grab the CD off of Amazon, but not due out for a couple weeks (May 22). This the new stuff? I'll be back for it....

And another second (third, fourth?) for the new Springstein. This time he definitely nailed it. I do love these music threads.
"Pop war" by Imperial state Electric suits my tastes, one of the best albums i've heard on 2012.