I upgraded to a Marantz KI Ruby from a Marantz SA8005 (I had an SA8001 before that). I wanted to buy my "last" SACD player and Music Direct was closing them out for $3k. The sound is very close between the two but I think I can hear a little better soundstage with the Ruby. One of the reasons I got this player is that Marantz designs and manufactures the drive. It is one of the best drives you can buy and I'm counting on Marantz to have spares if it ever fails. I've had three Marantz players and never had a drive fail. On the other hand I bought a $4k PS Audio Transport and the cheap-ass computer grade drive they put in has failed three times. Pure junk.
It looks like you can still buy a KI Ruby from other vendors for 3 grand even though Music Direct is sold out. That is my recommendation.