I've got a nice solid state system in my listening room but am interested in an entry level system that uses tubes that I could put on my bedroom dresser. Would like to stay in the $1-2k range. Front end would be CD or FM tuner.
Check out the Sophia Baby,$900 or EL34,$1500 at Sophia Electric. They may offer a trial with a restocking fee. Mating amps and speakers is very important. See it as a whole. Good luck.
Lots of votes for Prima Luna and nothing but good reviews as far as I can see. I may be giving them a call shortly.
It'll be a weird setup. Probably using a pair of Wilson Watt 3's as speakers and an iPod (with lossless compression) as a front end at first. Not really an audiophile system but it'll beat the heck out of the wave radio that's in the bedroom now.
I second the Sophia EL 34. You can pick it up used for about $600. Worth every penny, you can get all your money our of it once you realize how wonderful, and contagious the tube sound can be...You WILL be upgrading...LOL Good Luck!
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