I'm sorry, I can't say that I have heard any of the Phi series, so I can't compare them for you.
I think alot of the 'Renaissance confusion' comes from the way VAC describes the different models on their website, and how they relate them to the other VAC series that existed at the time of the writing.
That's why I called Brent... he and Kevin have always told me that the Ren 1 and 2 do not differ significantly in sonic character. Brent reconfirmed today that still applies. There is, however, a volume control upgrade they developed recently for the Ren mk1 that apparently improves linearity and low-volume frequency response. I may send mine in for that upgrade if it's not too expensive.
Bottom-line on the Renaissance pre:
- it is stable with any amp that has a 10k-200k ohm input impedance (which means basically ALL amps currently available, and that's a very conservative range according to KevinH)
- it uses a transformer-coupled output (so there's no loss of dynamics with any known amp load, and reduced noise)
- it puts out almost NO heat (there's not even vent holes needed in the chassis at all, so you can place it almost anywhere that a CD player can go!)
- it uses a balanced, no-feedback design with true balanced inputs AND outputs
- the remote control circuitry does not affect the sonic performance or interfere with the audio circuit
- the build quality is exceptional IMHO (3/8" thick aluminum fascia, high-gloss black lacquer, liberal use of sound deadening material, 1/4" thick CNC-machined aluminum chassis)
- VAC's customer service reputation is well-deserved, and is among the best in the biz
There are many superb preamps out there in the price range that this thread is concerned with. I am certainly not calling the VAC the "BEST" available, but it should definitely be considered as ONE of the best, and worthy of an audition.